The eye

tropical richness, birds. rain. darkness.


a light shower, at last

eyes in the darkness, everywhere

purity, relief

image upon image upon image

never ending troubles

you, somewhere, who knows

walking maybe

the black sky over the city

the lightning

the peacock feather, the eye

something will turn up, I guess

if you look long enough

floundering about

waiting for an insight to drop on you

there’s got to be some way out

if you just wait long enough

the bats flying down to the park

the daylight, the traffic

stick around and things change with you as a constant

this itchy, sticky feeling of waiting

not daring to hope for something reasonable

maybe the USA will bomb Europe

and things will get really bad

but it’ll be seen like a relief

at last something’s happened

to take our minds off our own situation

this horrible manoeuvring towards the Right

this nauseating surveillance

and empty TV talk like the sound of cash being counted